While I don't hold with the general opinion that you have to have 8 hours of sleep a day, I do think that a night of good sleep is essential for good health. I have existed for many years on between 5 and 7 hours a day. I find I cannot stay in bed for 8 hours. I get very sore and have to get up. Regardless of what time I retire, I am always awake about seven or fewer hours after getting into bed. Now, what about you? Have you discovered how much sleep is optimal for you? Too much sleep can sap your motivation and cause you to feel tired, yes, that's true. Too little and you will generally become more and more fatigued. I have noticed that the people who claim to have only a few hours sleep a day also meditate for several hours each day or have naps throughout the day. That means that they have eight hours or more non-productive and rest periods throughout their day. Doesn't equate to only having a few hours sleep each day. How do you handle this? Napping isn't a bad thing. It can help keep you focussed when you need it. Something that can help keep you focussed that you shouldn't miss is a surprise to me. Regards, Brent. P.S. Surprising because I wasn't expecting it so soon. There must have been a few resignations causing Andie & Curt to reopen access to Society11 membership. I just had a look at the sales page, and I was even more surprised at the discounted pricing. If you looked at this before Christmas and were put off by the cost, then a rethink is in order. A comment by one of the long-time members concerning one of their recent information releases was "This just paid for my subscription to Society11", and he meant it. Can you afford not to have a serious look at this membership? No, you can't. If you want to get the skinny on what works and what doesn't you need to check it out. |
Brent Milne 12 Torrens St Happy Valley South Australia |
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