One of the key traits of happy, successful people is that they see the world as full of opportunities, even when things look their worst. The Oriental concept of Yin and Yang often represented by the black and red circle is the same idea. The idea that there is always opportunity in misfortune and misfortune in opportunity. It does go both ways, so you do need to take care that you manage the opportunity carefully, not carelessly.
In previous recessions, it was the businesses that managed to stay in business and set themselves up for when the recession ended that became the most successful afterwards. They took advantage of the downturn to reinvent themselves or realign themselves better with their customers. Some times they just became leaner by trimming off the excess, the parts that were not profitable.
For you, that may mean that at the moment, while we head into a global recession, you begin doing the training for what you want to do as things open up again. You may not believe that the world is going into a depression, and I may be wrong, but if you prepare for it and it doesn't happen, you are in a much better place than if you don't prepare and it does happen.
No-one can foretell the future.
Anyone who says they can is lying or a fraudster, but history indicates that the chances of a recession are much higher than not. Look for the opportunities around you, learn the skills you will need to have and begin taking hold of the opportunity you see.
P.S. According to the people who may know what they are talking about approximately 50% of web traffic is mobile phones. Another 40% is web bots. Take out the web bots, and that means that 90% of your human traffic is on a mobile phone.
That leaves me as a dinosaur because I hardly ever use anything but my laptop online, I'm in the remaining 10%.
Mobile phone usage has soared since the beginning of the year and isn't likely to drop back significantly.
Here is an opportunity that I realised this morning as I was preparing to leap out of a warm bed.
Over 90% of Internet marketers are, myself included, are offering products to people that they have to use on their desktop computers.
Do you see a massive opportunity here? With almost no competition? What products get sold to people on mobile phones? Pretty much only apps. Things that have limited use or are only for entertainment. Payment apps, games, GPS based tools etc.
My daughter reads books on her mobile phone, but I find the text too small, and when I zoom it up, I seem to be continually scrolling pages.
Here's an idea for you to follow up, go to the seed money site and test each of the different ways to make money with your mobile phone.
Take just those and write your own sales page for them and sell the list.
You can put the whole lot together on Gumroad pretty quickly. Promote it through Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest etc. Now you will have a unique offer that 100% of your human visitors can do instead of one that only 10% can do. I'm doing this today. There is plenty of room for you to join in and do the same. |
Brent Milne 12 Torrens St Happy Valley South Australia |
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