If you have you know how fascinating it is.

You can see that their character is complete at birth.

You can see their brains developing as they play and learn.

You can watch the way they learn to communicate long before they can say words.

Development is an ongoing process of trying to do things, failing, then trying again.

The progress is incremental but with each new goal achieved a new one is set.

Only we don’t call them goals, do we?

Do you think that these little ones actually set a goal and then work towards achieving it?

Of course they don’t.

All they do is try to copy what they see others doing.

They don’t think about it.

They just keep trying things out until they do what they want to do.

So why do we, who have already been through this process, think it’s difficult to reach our goals?

Achieving goals is a natural process for humans.

We do it every day without realising it and without thinking about it.

Consider this, getting to work is a goal set and achieved.

For some just getting to the shops is a goal set and achieved.

But we don’t call them that.

It’s just what we do daily.

These little steps, the little daily achievements that we do without thinking are exactly what we need to do to achieve much bigger goals.

Break the big goal down to smaller activities and track them.



P.S. Not everything went to plan yesterday with the responsive list report.

The link went to the wrong place, you would have ended up in the right place but, as a member of this email list, you should have gone directly to the sales page, not the landing page.

Anyway, the link below does go to the correct place.

You should really get good results from this.

  Brent Milne
12 Torrens St
Happy Valley
South Australia

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