Have you ever heard anyone say "I'll be happy when ...?"

I bet you have, and it might have even been you who said it.

I know that I did in the past, but I decided in 1975 that I was going to be happy now.

I read a book about Abraham Lincoln. In that book, he is quoted as saying that "..most people are about as happy as they decide to be."

I figured that there might be something in that and decided to be happy.

Many books have influenced the way I think, what I believe, how I behave. The knowledge of the world is in books

You should read something every day.

What I learned through reading is that the way you develop the happiness habit is many-fold, but one of the first things you can do is to start appreciating what you do have.

Some people like to keep a gratitude journal, I never did that, but I did start by appreciating what I had.

At the start of each day, over breakfast, I would go over what I was happy about and again at the end of the day before bed, I would do the same.

It was amazing how fast things changed.

One thing you should be aware of, at the end of 1974 I was in a cyclone that destroyed most of the city I lived in, the city was Darwin in the Northern Territory of Australia.

I had a lot not to be happy about at the time, but I made the decision anyway.

I discovered that I also had a lot to be happy about.

That decision change my life for the better, I'm still a happy person who enjoys life even though things are hard at the moment everywhere.

You can do that as well, it's only a decision.




P.S. Doing the rewrite of the report is taking a little longer than I expected. Many of the websites mentioned are no longer around, so I have to find substitutes.

There is a whole section that I'm going to remove, but I need a replacement for it which will require some research.

No big deal, it only takes a bit more time, but it will be worth the effort.

In the interim, there are other things you can be doing.

For example, you can be practising your writing to improve those skills.

You know that you will need to write stuff if you wish to market on the Internet, even if it's only for video scripts.

Yes, you do need a script for your videos, you can't just wing it.

The report I'm working on is about how to write short reports to sell or use as lead magnets.

There is a lot of excellent information in it as you'll see when I give you access to it.

This training will help you to maximise the value you get from my report when you get it or vice versa. 

There are crossovers between the two.

Get this one now and get mine later to get the best value. 

  Brent Milne
12 Torrens St
Happy Valley
South Australia

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